Data privacy statement

We are pleased if you get in contact with us via our website by e-mail, phone or by traditional mail.

Personal data you submit is only used and processed appropriately fulfilment as a part of a contract (article 6, paragraph 1b GDPR) or a legal recruitment (article 6, paragraph 1c GDPR). The data will not be passed on to third parties nor third countries.

At the end of the legal or contractual retention period or when the appropriation is omitted, we will delete your personal data. Furthermore we will only use necessary data what is submitted by you.

In order to make the most comfortable usage possible – also beyond the current visit - we use „cookies“ on our website. These are small text files, which are stored in your system. These files are not used for personal identification, but analyse the user behavior. The cookies can be stored for a maximum of 2 years.

If you do not want to use cookies, you can change this in your browser settings. Already stored cookies on your computer can be removed by „deleting temporary website-data“.

This privacy policy is kept up to date to the best of our ability. In spite of all care, standards may change in the meantime, which is why we can not guarantee their validity and integrity.

If you have any questions ragarding the use of your personal data, if you would like to contadict their use or if you have other data privacy issues, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. Mail to or write us to d-SIRE GmbH & Co. KG, data protection officer, Probsteigasse 15-19, 50670 Cologne. Thank you.

Thank you.