A delicately drawn calf with a black and white coat. To the left and right of the English inscription "THE TRUE VALUE OF A PARTNERSHIP IS REVEALED IN EVERYDAY LIFE"

Logo Phytobiotics

Certified Quality – made in Germany

Phytobiotics GmbH, based in Eltville, is a global leader in the production and distribution of high-quality, natural feed additives and organic trace elements with its scientifically oriented business approach. With its subsidiaries and distributor network, Phytobiotics is represented in more than 70 countries on all continents of the world.

A black and white cow with horns and a bell around its neck. In front of the cattle is a colored area containing the English text "Innovative Solutions for your Livestock - made in Germany".

A distinctive Digital Corporate Design

Brochures and trade fair stands from the analog world were our starting point for developing a digital design that was supposed to be unique. In addition, it had to be culturally compatible with all international markets and at the same time meet the high quality standards of "Made in Germany".

A fish drawn in black and white, partially covered with an orange, semi-transparent colored area in the foreground.

Strategy and Positioning

The conceptual phase began with a comprehensive analysis of the market. In the course of benchmarking, both positive aspects were identified and new ideas developed to differentiate Phytobiotics even more from its competitors.

Strategically, information architecture, content strategy and search engine optimization measures were developed hand in hand.

A chicken drawn in black and white, partially covered with an orange, semi-transparent colored area in the foreground.

Implemented with ProcessWire

The project was fully developed by d-SIRE across all disciplines. The CMS ProcessWire served as the technical platform for this project, providing the necessary flexibility to meet the requirements in terms of languages, countries and world regions.

A fish drawn in black and white. Next to the fish is the English claim "Highly effective herbal active ingredients".

Services provided for the client

  • International multilingual website differentiated by region
  • UX concept
  • UX design
  • Frontend development
  • Backend development
  • CMS implementation (ProcessWire)

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