November 30, 2022
Aktion Mensch's range of services for volunteering and inclusive engagement has taken a huge leap forward: the volunteer database, which has been in place since 2008, has been fundamentally revamped and expanded into a comprehensive platform.
The new volunteering platform has been accessible via the Aktion Mensch web portal for several weeks now. But not only there: the complete application can also be integrated free of charge by partners on external websites, for example by regional volunteer agencies or associations. Using a simple configuration, they can even adapt the design and function of the application to their individual requirements and corporate design.
During the course of the project, numerous workshops were held with experts from the volunteer agencies and with committed people. This ensured that the new service optimally meets the needs of both target groups.
As part of the project, d-SIRE was responsible for consulting, design and UX as well as the entire technical implementation in the front and back end. The application was implemented in the Microsoft Azure Cloud and offers interfaces for connecting external services.
Digital accessibility is of great importance to Aktion Mensch. For this reason, not only the public website, but also the closed area for the customized administration environment has been made fully accessible.
Engagement platform at Aktion Mensch
Example of an external integration at freilich Bayern
Administration environment for entering offers