A wall with a photo wallpaper of jungle-like plants. On the wall is a white cuckoo clock with a red bird in the opening.


A group of two young women and two young men raise their fists in laughter. The picture also shows raffle tickets from Aktion Mensch.

New at REWE: Aktion Mensch Lottery Tickets

To usher in this year’s Christmas sales season, Aktion Mensch is boosting its presence in brick and mortar retail stores. Effective immediately, shoppers will be able to purchase vouchers for lottery tickets offered by the Aktion Mensch at around 3.300 REWE stores all over Germany. 

Single month or all year lottery ticket vouchers are available at stores for purchase. They have to be activated and customized after they have been paid for and make ideal ad-hoc gifts for every occasion. Customers activate their vouchers either online or via phone: Using a PIN code to identify themselves, voucher holders enter their personal data to be used to contact them if they win. As soon they have entered these details they participate in all upcoming drawings for the eligible period.  

To make this project technically possible, several new interfaces to external partners had to be installed, which are now operational in highly available systems. In conjunction with this project, d-SIRE was in charge of the front end detail concept, the visual design and the HTML implementation of the activation sites.

Optimum performance on all devices - the new ADA Cosmetics Store

In 2013, ADA Cosmetics advanced to the Top 100 of Germany’s most innovative medium-sized companies. Boasting an integral product concept, high functionality and modern design combined with ecological consistency, this European leader and supplier of hotel cosmetics has set new standards in its industry. 

To also represent this stance in the digital world and to make it possible for end consumers to enjoy an optimum user experience on all devices, the new store was designed to be highly responsible and efficient. Based on the E-commerce platform Oxid eSales, d-SIRE developed the entire website and implemented the backend.

Aktion Mensch makes inclusive encounters possible

Encounters can be inspiring, surprising and even irritating. Of course they may also mark the beginning of special relationships. However, in our everyday lifes' personal interactions between handicapped individuals and others tend to occur quite rarely. Consequently, by launching a new campaign focusing on the topic “encounters,” the Aktion Mensch is striving to advance its efforts to create an inclusive society. 

The campaign was rolled out with the video “Das erste Mal” (The First Time): In an unusual casting scenario, about 20 applicants met a second person without any prior briefing except that they were to interact with each other. The pairs scheduled to meet included one person with and one without a handicap. The video shows the surprising and frequently humorous moments as they arose during this experiment. Just a few days after it had been posted online on various platforms, it had already attracted hundreds of thousands of views and generated overwhelmingly positive responses.

The video promotes the Aktion Mensch’s new campaign platform, which will be continuously expanded over the coming year. An interactive quick test covers typical situations that put individuals with and without handicaps in contact with each other and also highlights the uncertainties they face in terms of their behavior. The bridge between encounters in the actual and the digital world has been built by using the hashtag “#begegnet_in” (met_in) with the aim of fostering inclusive encounters through social media and to document such encounters through the posting of selfies. This will   also be the focal point of the upcoming PR event on Equal Rights for Handicapped Individuals on May 5th, which is slated to become the “Day of Interaction.” 

In conjunction with the campaign, d-SIRE will be responsible for the online concept, design and frontend implementation.

Responsive Marc O’Polo web store on demandware

During the pitch, d-SIRE convinced us with an optimum blend of premium quality brand presentation and outstanding store performance. Besides excellent concept and design services, the agency shines in particular thanks to its creative and technical capabilities, which proved to be very valuable for us during the implementation of our eCommerce project, which included a switch in platforms and responsive web design.

Alexander Lechner, Head of eCommerce, Marc O’Polo

Als eine der führenden Modern Casual Marken im Premiumsegment, geht Marc O’Polo mit einem neuen Online-Shop live und zeigt damit auch im Netz konsequent einen urbanen, lässigen Lifestyle mit gehobenem Anspruch.

Der selbstbewusste Auftritt glänzt durch einen ausgewogenen Mix von hochwertiger Produktdarstellung, inspirativem Einkaufen sowie zahlreichen Stories. Die große Beratungskompetenz zeigt sich ebenso im neu angelegten Looks-Bereich mit trendbewussten Outfits, die von Marc O’Polo Styling-Teams immer aufs Neue zusammengestellt werden. Gleichberechtigt mit markenästhetischen Gesichtspunkten, stand ein Optimum an Usability und eine hohe Konversionsorientierung im Fokus des Projekts. Frontendseitig trägt responsives Webdesign dazu bei, die bestmögliche Nutzung des Shops auf allen Endgeräten zu gewährleisten.

A woman in a black off-the-shoulder evening dress from behind, a man in a black suit with tie from the front. Only the upper parts of their bodies are visible.

Refreshed look for Juweliere CHRIST

Since 1863, Juweliere CHRISTOpen in a new tab has been standing for the fascination of jewelry and watches. Yet in the digital age, customers rightfully expect more than excellent products and outstanding service: Successful online shops inspire consumers, are click-efficient and highly conversion-oriented.

The solution that d-SIRE presented in the pitch met the high standards of CHRIST by striking a balance between branding and performance aspects.

The first project phase that has now been completed, encompassed the redesign of the page framework and the optimization of the most important starting points. The new homepage with generous image formats is both strong emotionally and provides attractive incentives to click for various user needs, ranging from branded specials to sales promotions.

Large menus offer direct and versatile access to the entire product range. Category entry pages have been unified and enhanced with editorial elements which lay the groundwork for new forms of storytelling within the shop. Products worlds such as "Jette", "Premium" and "Diamonds" are clear USPs for CHRIST which consequently move into the center of attention.

Within the project, d-SIRE was responsible for the visual design, concept and frontend development.

The New Swarovski B2B-Portal is Responsive

Since the establishment of the company in 1895, Swarovski crystal elements have been known to meet the highest standards in terms of lustrous sparkle, quality and perfection. They have inspired generations of creative talents and have enabled artists to design their own innovative products in sectors such as fashion, jewellry, accessories, interior design and lighting. However, time does not stand still: in recent years, the business customer market environment has become increasingly diverse, significantly more individualized and more demanding.

The premium brand from Tyrol confronts these new challenges in the further development of its entire portfolio, including the digital segment. Consequently, the Swarovski B2B Portal, which was launched in May 2014, represents a new approach to the maintenance of relationships with business customers.

In order to reach potential customers more effectively, a large portion of the content has been made accessible openly for the first time. It is no longer necessary to register and/or log in.

Given that personal customer service is Swarovski’s absolute number one priority, the company also placed a lot of emphasis on ensuring that the bar for customers to initiate contacts was lowered significantly: the objective is to generate new leads to potential new accounts in a target-oriented manner while the dialog with existing customers is maintained continuously.

The B2B Portal has been implemented in a fully responsive manner, which warrants the optimum operability on all end devices in an exemplary fashion. The content pages are based on modular concepts, which facilitates the performance of ongoing maintenance work. Within the scope of this project, d-SIRE was responsible for the provision of consulting services, the concept development, the digital adaption of the corporate design, the graphic design and the development of the responsive frontend template. The Backend implementation was handled by Swarovski’s in-house IT department.